Sunday, October 21, 2012

What is an "Expungement" in California?

A California expungement is a legal process that petitions the Court to review a conviction to determine:

  1. If probation was successfully completed, or, if no probation was granted, a year has passed since the conviction;
  2. That all fines, restitution and reimbursement ordered by the court has been paid;
  3. That the petitioner is not now on probation for another offense;
  4. That the petitioner has no new pending cases;

The Court then allows the petitioner to withdraw their plea or finding of guilt, enters a "not guilty" plea, and orders the case dismissed. This means you can answer "No" to a question regarding convictions under many circumstances.

The Expungement law is somewhat complex in certain areas, but expungement of a record is something that should be done by anyone with even a minor history of arrest or conviction.

Even if probation violations occurred, a case can in some circumstances still be expunged.

See our UTube Video HERE

For additional information Call 800 495 2819, or send an email request here.

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